Call for Application of Summer Postgraduate Students in 2022 (2014 E.C Kermit) intake.

Haramaya University has warmly announced the Summer Postgraduate Programs for new postgraduate applicants in the various programs and specializations of 2022 (2014 E.C) Kermit.

We kindly encourage all interested new applicants to apply either face to face or online ahead of time before June 28, 2022.

Major steps to apply to the online:

Step 1: Open Google link:

Step 2: Fill out a form online of eight pages

Step 3: Upload any educational documents

Step 4: Deposit to Haramaya University via Acc/No.1000093271557, Haramaya Branch, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia 200.00 Ethiopian birr

Step 5: Upload the 200.00 birr bank receipt

Step 6: Submit your application

Note: Once you submit your application, you will get notification after clicking the link ‘submit’


Another option is to submit your application through email address

Step 1: Download the application form Download The Revised Application Form.pdf/Revised Application form for summer 2014.doc

Step 2: Fill out the application form which you already downloaded

Step 3: Attach the filled form to email:

Step 4: Attach any educational documents to email:

Step 5: Deposit to Haramaya University via Acc/No.1000093271557, Haramaya Branch, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia 200.00 Ethiopian birr

Step 6: Attach the 200.00 birr bank receipt to:

Step 7: Submit your application

Note: Attach your application ONLY ONCE by writing your name on ‘Subject’

Haramaya University, Postgraduate Programs Directorate

Building the basis for Development!