Vice President for Research Affairs Office organized a training of trainers (TOT) for 45 District Agricultural Experts from 15 Districts in East Haraghe, Dire Dawa Administration, and Harari Regional State on ‘irrigation water development and management, Nutrition sensitive agriculture and Post harvest Management’ at the University’s resource center for three days, in March/2020.
The training was organized following the need assessment and identified four topics; Irrigation and Water use efficiency, Nutrition-sensitive agriculture, plant disease management, and post-harvest management. The purpose of the training was to build the capacity of district agricultural experts in the selected topics.
Dr. Chanyalew Seyoum, Delegated Vice President for Research Affairs, in his opening speech said that, food and nutrition insecurity remains a major challenge in Eastern Ethiopia and the magnitude of under-nutrition is higher compared to other parts of the country. He added that, the training also aimed at improving knowledge and skill of experts, facilitate co-learning between district agriculture offices and the university and establish good network with stakeholders in East Hararghe. That in return will contribute to the successful implementation of outreach activities of the University.
The trainees also expressed their gratitude the University for organizing the training. Besides, they explained that they will use the platform as an opportunity to provide trainings and share what they have got in farmer’s field in their respective district, Mr. Moges Abate from Babile Woreda, and Mr. Beker Abdulahi from Hareri region.
In addition to the ToT, there was a panel discussion for a half day. During the discussion, inputs for further research, new challenges in agriculture practices due to climate change, scholarship opportunities and capacity building for agriculture experts were some of the concerns forwarded from trainees. Dr. Chanyalew, reflected on the issues and give emphasis to the office’s dedication for further capacity building activities including scholarships.