A delegate from Nugaal University, Republic of Somaliland, makes Benchmarking and Partnership Visit to Haramaya University.

The delegate was led by the president of Nugaal University, Dr. Abdirizak Aden and makes a Benchmarking and Partnership Visit to Haramaya University for Postgraduate Programs, Research, and Community Engagement under RUFORUM Platform from August 09-12, 2021.
The delegate made a benchmarking of the MSc. Program in Agribusiness and Value-Chain Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA), and MA Program in Peace and Development Studies for the masters’ program and discusses with the concerned schools/departments and the Postgraduate Program Directorate on further collaboration of the two universities.

In addition, the delegate has met with the concerned officials and discussed many issues about having collaborative and partnership activities in the areas of Community Engagement, Projects, and Business Idea Incubation. Furthermore, the delegate discussed several things about collaborating in research endeavors, Postgraduate Programs, Staff and Student Exchange. In the meantime, the delegate visited the African Center of Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation (ACE Climate SABC) made discussions on partnership of mega projects, short-term training, and staff exchange. What is more, delegate visited the Incubation Center at Raree and discussed on collaborative activities with the researchers.
The delegate also visited the College of Health and Medical Sciences Hiwot Fana Comprehensive Specialized University Hospital and made fruitful discussions.

Dr. Feyera Dinsa, Director for Postgraduate Program Directorate, expressed that Nugaal University and Haramaya University will work together to create strong partnership in expanding postgraduate programs in the Republic of Somaliland.

While making discussion with the top management, the president Haramaya University, Dr. Jemal Yousuf, emphasized that the university is working hard to produce competent graduates in the country in particular and in Africa in general.
Dr. Jemal said, “Partnership is in our blood”and appreciated this benchmarking and partnership visit as it is in line with our university’s vision and promised to proceed with partnership with Nugaal University.

The president of Nugaal University, Dr. Abdirizak Aden, on his side, expressed that through such partnership the two universities fulfill the educated human resource needs of their countries and will sign soon Memorandum of Agreement to begin the work.

State Minister of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Prof. Afework Kassu, who is at Haramaya University for a National Workshop and met with the delegate, appreciated the effort made by the two universities for partnership and gave his government’s direction towards regional integration through cross-border higher education.

Prof. Afework emphasized that partnership of such kind should include many universities in the eastern Africa and beyond to strengthen mutual benefits of the people of the countries.