Haramaya University Integated Haramaya Lake Watershed Development Project (IHLWDP) distributed 20 kg of improved onion seed varieties for one hundred fifty (150) farmers on July 22, 2021 at the University’s Main Campus.
According to Ato Dine Reshid, Technical Coordinator of Integated Haramaya Lake Watershed Development Project (IHLWDP), the Project has engaged in different reforestation, soil and water conservation and biodiversity restoration activities since its establishment in 11 (eleven) rural kebeles surrounding the University and in the watershed as a whole.
IHLWDP engages in training farmers and building their capacity to help them adopt to agricultural technologies, expansion of agro-forestry practices, supporting poor farmers with improved seed varieties, expansion of drip irrigation technologies to save underground water and many other extra activities to support and help in maintaining the agricultural productivity and sustainability of farmers dwelling in the watershed, Ato Dine added.
Ato Dine said that as per the annually planned activities, the Project distributed 20 kg of improved onion seed varieties costing 80,000 (eighty thousand) birr for 150 (one hundred fifty) farmers on July 22, 2021.
During the occasion, Ato Shemshedin Mohammed, Agricultural Development Agent at Haramaya Woreda Tuji Gabisa Rural Kebele, appreciated the effort that the University is undertaking to solve problems of the community.
Ato Shemsedin added that the support provided to the farmers is very encouraging and will help them improve their livelihoods. He thanked Haramaya University and its Management.
Among those who received seed support Ato Mohammed Yusuf and W/ro Rowda Yusuf from Tuji Gabisa rural Kebele said the seeds they received from the University would solve their problem and they thanked the University for its Support.