Haramaya University hosting consultation meeting

Oromiya Regional State Agricultural Transformation Council Eastern Cluster, chaired by Haramaya University, held its 5th annual consultation meeting at Haramaya University on December 10, 2024.

Oromiya Regional State Agricultural Transformation Council Eastern Cluster

While more than sixty governmental and non-governmental stakeholders were participants of the meeting, the work being done to ensure the effectiveness of the 24 initiatives implemented under the East Oromiya Cluster and the plans for the upcoming summer were reported and reviewed.  In the review, ways to further sustain effective works, improve weaknesses, and achieve better performance in the upcoming summer irrigation plan were discussed.

Dr. Samuel Tufa, Coordinator of Oromiya Agricultural Transformation, said that it is the responsibility of all stakeholders to strengthen and sustain the results achieved by the twenty-four initiatives being implemented in the Eastern Cluster of Oromiya Agricultural Transformation.  According to Dr. Samuel, the discussion and evaluation were conducted to identify and resolve the problems encountered by the stakeholders and to report to the Oromiya Regional Government to resolve the problems that are beyond the council’s capacity. Dr. Samuel added that various governmental and non-governmental stakeholders are achieving the agricultural transformation plans by working jointly while they are yielding multifaceted benefits.

Dr. Samuel Tufa

Dr. Yisihak Yusuf, Vice President for Research and Community Development at Haramaya University, in his turn, said that the university is doing its part to make the initiatives effective by supporting drought- and disease-resistant seeds discovered through research, providing capacity-building trainings that are the basis for the expansion of agricultural technology, and increasing production and productivity. He also confirmed that as a chairing institution for the eastern cluster, the university will work diligently to make the next plans effective.

Dr. Yisihak Yusuf

The heads of the East and the West Hararge Zones Agriculture Offices stated that the Oromiya Agricultural Transformation Initiatives being implemented in the East Oromiya Cluster are twenty-four. They added that since the implementation of the Agricultural Transformation Initiatives began, there has been a high increase in production and productivity in all sectors every year. They also said that the limitations encountered in the work done are being addressed through evaluations and coordination of the Council.

The heads of the East and the West Hararge

 Mr. Kibret Ketema, a researcher at Fedis Agricultural Research and Development Center, said that since the initiatives being implemented have accumulated many experiences, all stakeholders are working to find solutions to the limitations that have been identified, and it shares its experience with other initiatives working in the sector at a country level.

Mr. Kibret Ketema

Mr. Kemal Kasim, Director of the Community Engagement and Industry Networking Directorate at Haramaya University, in his part, said that the East Oromiya Cluster will continue to strengthen our cooperation in order to continue the successes of the Oromiya Agricultural Transformation Initiative, which has been planned and implemented since the summer, and to find professional solutions to the limitations encountered.

Mr. Kemal Kasim

The meeting came to an end with the Maya city animal feed processing factory visit of the participants of the meeting.

participants of the meeting.

Reporter: Aweke Ayalneh

Camera: Tewodros Lishan

Haramaya University Public and International Relations Directorate