Haramaya University exerting its efforts to solve health problems by creating linkages with regional health bureaus
Haramaya University, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Dire Dawa, Harari, and Somali Regional Health Bureaus, the Data Use Partnership, and Digital Health Activity, conducted a Capacity Building and Mentorship Program (CBMP) Regional Review Meeting and Research Dissemination Implementation Workshop in Dire Dawa on January 4, 2023.
Mr. Admas Abera, CBMP Project Director, presented the project’s achievements over the last three years, highlighting significant improvements in providing technical support for the health information system in the Harari, Somali, and Dire Dawa regions. He also explained that the project is conducting HIS-specific research implementation, which is expected to inform policy. Providing HIS-specific pre- and in-service trainings, onsite mentoring, and supporting Master’s and PhD research grants were among the major activities accomplished so far.
According to Mr. Admas, the project aims to break the barrier between academia (the university) and the health sector by creating a collaborative partnership between local universities and regional health bureaus. He added that Haramaya University has supported the Harari, Dire Dawa, and Somali regions since its establishment. As part of the community service, the university has, through this project, been providing technical support on the health information system to around 54 health facilities and woredas in the Harari, Dire Dawa, and Somali regions since 2018.
Pre-service education on health informatics at the bachelor’s level provided a master’s research grant to 15 HrU MSc and MPH students (7 defended their theses, 3 published their research in reputable journals, and the others are conducting research) as part of capacity building for the health workforce (about 1350 trainees have been trained on 14 different types of training). Moreover, regular onsite mentorship (coaching) of facilities on health information systems and two research studies implementation were discussed in collaboration with regional health bureaus and the Ministry of Health. These two scientific research works were selected because they indicate the actual conditions. In addition, the results of building a center of excellence in electronic medical evidence management were announced and discussed.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Ahmed, the Chief Executive Director of the College of Health and Medical Sciences, emphasized the importance of strengthening the partnership between Haramaya University and the regions created through the CBMP Project platform, and he said that Haramaya University is carrying out the work of building capacity through the CBMP Project to ensure the quality of health information at three regional sector institutions.
Dr. Ahmed said that by modernizing health information management, ensuring information-based services, and using information for decision-making, efforts are being exerted to increase access to model health facilities because enabling the quality of health information to be supported by technology has a key role in modernizing service delivery and increasing accessibility in the health sector.
Mr. Naod Wohrad, Director of the Policy Plan Control and Evaluation Directorate of the Ministry of Health, said to continue using the results achieved in health information, the university, regional health offices, and partners should work together. In this case, universities should consider this a big social service, while regions should help the community by working together on the implementation and benefiting from the results.
Mr. Naod added that the Minister of Health is working to ensure the continuity of the project by coordinating partners who can support it and will continue to strengthen it.
By: – Shemsedin Mohammed
Photographer: – Behailu Girma
Public & International Relations Directorate