Haramaya University College of computing and informatics held internal curriculum review workshop on March 10, 2022 at resource center on existing and new three postgraduate programs; Master of Science in Computer Science( existing), Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and PhD in Biostatistics( both newly developed).
At the workshop opening ceremony, Dr. Kasahun Takele, dean of computing and Informatics College, said that as Haramaya University has been assigned a research University; it focuses more on research activities. Hence the University has to review its curriculums to produce competent graduates who would play important role in academic and research industries, especially graduates who independently plan, conduct, execute and disseminate research findings in different disciplines.
In line with Universities direction, the College of computing and informatics also has the mandate to produce competent graduates in the field of computing and informatics at the post graduate level to take its share. That is why we are here to review the curricula developed by the department of statistics and computer sciences, said Dr. Kasahun.
Professor Mengistu Urge, Vice president for academic affairs, at his opening speech mentioned that the University has been developing and approving many demand driven postgraduate programs. In the past three weeks, the University has approved fifteen postgraduate programs which is a big achievement in the year to fulfill the criteria to be research University.
Professor Mengistu added that these being reviewed curricula which were developed by the department of statistics and computer sciences are additional for the approved ones if they get approved, passing through the stapes required.
Dr. Yilfashewa Siyoum, academic programs directorate director, at his closing remarks said that reviewed curricula should fit the University’s vision. These in-house reviewed curricula should fulfill all required adjustments and incorporate all comments gained from the reviewers and the participants then the documents will be prepared for further process, according to Dr. Yilfashewa.
Group photo at the workshop
By: Aweke Ayalneh
Camera: Tewodros Lishan