by shemsedin mohammed
The 32th Annual Research and Extension Review Workshop was conducted on 26-28 March, 2015 at Haramaya University`s Resource Center on Main Campus.Present in the well-attended workshop include researchers, farmers, field assistants, development agents, and other members of the university`s community.The annual workshop was organized by Haramaya University Research and Extension Office with the aim to brief the University`s community and other stakeholders about completed as well as ongoing research activities carried by different colleges.
Professor Nigussie Dechasa, vice president for Research Affairs, made an opening speech and he said currently the research horizon at the University has expanded by including new disciplines.
According to Dr. Nega Assefa , director for Research Group and the coordinator of workshop , in the few recent four years, Haramaya University has collected 23 million Birr from regular budget in research support and 5.2million from the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute (EARI)for staff research.
The workshop started with a presentation of the extension activities carried out by the Research and Extension Office.
In the three days workshop, more than 70 completed and ongoing research papers were presented by the University`s staff members from all colleges. Their achievements and progress report were also presented and concluded by general discussion.
In the closing session, Dr. Girma Amente, president of the University, said priority would be given to completing ongoing research projects.