UNESCO’s international conference entitled “UNESCO Week for Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education” was held in Ottawa, Canada from March 6-10, 2017.
Two main objectives: the review forum for the UNESCO Global Action Program (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): Implementation and Innovation, and the third UNESCO forum on Global Citizenship Education (GCED): The Role of Teachers were given focus and deliberated on.
Mr. Mohammed Aman from the School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness and youth delegate represented Haramaya University (HU) as well as Ethiopia. This is the second consecutive time for Mr. Mohammed to represent HU and Ethiopia in the UNESCO conference i.e. drafting committee for social entrepreneurship and youth delegate that was held in November 2014, Aichi Nagoya and Okayama, Japan.
Besides attending the conference, Mr. Mohammed created various links with conference participants and he promoted the University and its various projects. Awaiting the confirmation from the University’s President, HU will become a full member of the International Association of Universities (IAU) that provides various opportunities for staff members of the University.
Aman with Irina Bokova (UNESCO Director-General) [right] and Hon. Mitzie Hunter, MPP (Minister of Education, Government of Ontario, Canada) [left]: Ottawa, Canada
The International Association of Universities (IAU) is an international NGO with an official associate status in UNESCO that recognizes the key role higher education plays in the overall process of achieving sustainable development. HU has received an invitation from the Deputy Secretary General of IAU, to become a full member of the International Association of Universities (IAU) on March 17, 2017.
HU will be represented to attend and take an active part in IAU international events such as conferences, expert seminars, workshops, etc. The University will be invited to take an active part in IAU projects and actions of interest to the institution, as well as interact with expert communities in areas of internationalization, sustainable development and leadership development.