By College of Law
Training programme geared up on strengthening institutional capacity on conflict mitigation and peace building strategies was conducted for two days (June 28 – 29, 2014) in Borena Zone of Oromia Regional State.

The training was organized by Peace Centers for Climate and Social Resilience Project of Haramaya University in collaboration with Borena Zonal Administration. A total of eighty individuals from project intervention woredas (Yabello, Arero and Teltelle) and non–intervention (Dire, Dilo and Dugde Dawa) woredas sharing boundaries with the former ones participated in the training. Participants were heads of zonal and woreda level government sector offices with key focus on conflict mitigation; customary leaders, such as Geda leaders (Abbaa Gadaa) from the three dominant ethnic communities of Borena Zone: Borena, Guji and Gebra; Kebele chiefs, women and youth representatives.

The main objective of this training was to advance the performance of traditional and formal institutions working on conflict resolution and peace building through improving their knowledge and skills at all levels. The training was emphasized on main causes of conflict in the area, key actors, the dynamics, triggering factors, and outcomes often experienced in the surrounding. Furthermore, mitigating strategies, opportunities and best practices resulted in innovative outcomes were also dealt with in depth during the training. The training was held under two basic themes: 1. Conflict concepts and governance (offered by Jeylan Wolyie); and 2. Participatory conflict resolution (offered by Dr. Fekadu Adugna). As the training was designed to ensure adequate time for discussion, most participants have contributed reflections, questions and comments enthusiastically.

It is believed that the training would strengthen the institutional capacity to ensure coordination between stakeholders and enhance integration and solidarity among ethnic communities residing in Borena. The training was concluded with the final session where participants were excited about the training and keen to work in collaboration to effectively achieve targets set out on conflict resolution and peace building efforts in the area.

Peace Centers for Climate and Social Resilience Project is operating to strengthen the capacity of communities to adapt the impacts of climate change and to prevent and resolve conflicts in three woredas of Borena Zone, namely Arero, Teltale, and yabello.