BENEFIT-ISSD project, Oromia East unit organized experience sharing for representatives of SPCs management and seed quality control committees from seed producer’s cooperatives (SPCs) supported directly and indirectly in east and west Hararghe zones. The objective of the workshop was to facilitate experience sharing and learning of success stories and reflect on gaps among SPCs for improvement. A total of 21 people from eight SPCs in east and west Hararghe zones weremade experience sharing to the identified learning sites from November 19-20, 2018.

The participants were visited experiences of two model SPCs (Awubara and Haji Faji SPCs). They shared experiences and innovations regarding Organizational and Business plan management; Record keeping ;roles and responsibilities of different management committees; internal cooperative management; women’sparticipation in member’s and executive committees; quality seed production and inspection; seed processing and value addition;  promotion and marketing activities.

Take home messages for SPCsfrom the visit were; Follow-up of customer satisfaction to develop trust; Planning and decision making regarding membership size per year; Clear sharing of roles and responsibilities among management committees; Enforcement of internal cooperative by-laws; Data management practices (quality of production and marketing data); Allocation of documentation box for each management committees; Focus to internal quality seed inspection; Recording of event and  training; and Record keeping, ledgers and documentation files including ; saving book, MoU book, Seed production book , deferent receipts etc.

All lessons learned were summarized and messages delivered for participants to change into action plan immediately into their SPC.