College of Education and Behavioral Sciences of Haramaya University (HU) in collaboration with Ministry of Education within its Education Sector Development Program welcomed 200 primary school female teachers on 27 February, 2017 for three-month female leadership training.
The College has taken part in the national female leadership training of primary school teachers from material design up to conducting the training which goes to show the University’s commitment in realising females’ empowerment.
In his welcoming speech, Prof. Nigussie Dechassa, Vice-president for Academic Affairs, said, “Our world is patriarchal and full of discriminations and violence against women and other marginalized groups of the society. For this reason, promoting gender equality through women’s empowerment has become the major policy strategy to achieve human development, poverty eradication and economic growth.”
Prof. Nigussie added that the primary school female leadership training is also part of the capacity building program plan as an empowerment mechanism for females which is the first of its kind with the hopes to continue to secondary schools. He said, “MoE in its Education Sector Development Program regards primary schools highly to bring about improved teaching and leadership skills in all institutions, matched with greater motivation and job satisfaction. Fulfilling this nationwide target is not only the responsibilities of the Ministry or the Regional Education Bureau, rather we the training Universities should contribute our maximum. Despite the untimely launching of the program, which would have been better if it was at the beginning of the year or in summer, we, Haramayans are ready to accept the trainees, equip them with the necessary knowledge of school leadership and policy issues and at the same time let our trainers also learn from the experience.”
According to Mr. Wakgari Tasisa (Assistant Professor) of Educational Leadership and Management and Training Focal Person, the three-month training has four packages: School leadership and management package, Policy package, Cross cutting issues and Basics of ICT and Education management information system Package.
Delegates of MoE, Harari, Dire Dawa, East Hararaghe, Regional Education TDP Heads, and HU’s different level management bodies attended the opening ceremony.