Haramaya University released two new groundnut varieties. These new additions contribute to the numerous quality seed provision the University has made to this day. Dr. Abdi Mohammed, Program Coordinator for the National Groundnut Program based at Haramaya University, explained that these two varieties have higher yield, foliar disease resistant and less aflatoxin accumulations, a naturally occurring toxin produced by Aspergillus flavus.

The ICGV-95469 variety improved the deficiencies of groundnut variety production constraints globally and locally in Ethiopia. The variety is recommended for lowland to mid-altitude areas like Pawe, Werer and Babile. According to Dr. Abdi, the variety is an ideal groundnut variety for small scale, mixed small holder and large-scale commercial, pastoral, agro-pastoral production systems as well as for export.

In the same year, the variety with its scientific code ICG67XBIGSEED was proposed for confectionery. Both varieties were approved by the National Variety Release Committee in a meeting held in Addis Ababa early November.