Dr.Yishak Yousuf (PhD) Biography and CV

1. Personal Information:

1.1 Place and date of Birth: Born in Harar, Feb. 23. 1972, Ethiopia

1.2 Current address: School of Animal and Range Sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Haramaya University, P.O.Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Email: yesihakyus@gmail.com.Yusuf@haramaya.edu.et Mobile: +251939600653: +251930760076 Tell: +251255530056.

2. Educational qualifications:

2.1 PhD in Animal Science (Meat Science), University of Pretoria, South Africa

2.2 Sc. in Animal Genetics and Breeding, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

2.3 Sc. in Animal Science, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

2.4 Post Graduate Diploma in Dairy Husbandry and Milk processing, IPC LIVESTOCK DTC FRIESLAND, The Netherland

2.5 Diploma (Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia)

3. Administrative positions held:

3.1 Vice President for Research and Community Engagement, Haramaya University (present)

3.2 Vice President for Community Engagement and Enterprise Development, Haramaya University (2021- 2023)

3.3 Chief Editor for the Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science, Haramaya University (2021- present)

3.4 Co-PI for International Project: Funded by Feed the Future Innovative Lab, USA, Sub award from Kansas State University (2016-2021)

3.5 Academic and Research Vice President of Oda Bultum University, Ethiopia (January 2016- June 2018)

3.6 Head School of Animal and Range Science (June 2015- April 2016)

3.7 Coordinator of Department of Animal Sciences (Sep. 2010-July 2011)

3.8 Secretary of Department of Animal Sciences (Jan – Dec, 2009),

3.9 Secretary of College of Agriculture (Jan. -Dec. 2008),

3.10 Head, Animal Genetics Laboratory (Sep. 2007-July. 2011),

3.11 Head, Animal Health section (Sep. 2002-Aug. 2005)

4. Rank held and experiences of teaching, research and community service

4.1 Rank held: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Graduate Assistant I and II (, Technical Assistant I, II and III

4.2 Teaching experience: A lot of courses in the field of Animal breeding and production were delivered to undergraduate An.Sc. and Veterinary Students. Some of the major courses taught for post graduate students were Meat animal production (ANPR 522), Reproductive physiology (ANGB 521), Tropical farm animal reproduction and fertility (TAP 741), Lactation and reproductive physiology (DSC 531), Improvement of Livestock for Resilience (CALI742), Climate Resilient Livestock Production Systems (CALI 752), Meat technology (TAPM 732)

4.3 Research interest and experience

  • 4.3.1 Research interest: Meat, Dairy, Animal Breeding, climate resilient livestock production
  • 4.3.2 Experience: Conducted research on meat, milk production and quality, animal genetics and breeding and climate resilient livestock production

4.4 Community service experience: Some of training/ seminar initiated and facilitated

  • 4.4.1 Initiated a number of trainings on GHG emission measuring techniques, mitigations and adaptations strategies in livestock in the climate change scenario under Climate SABC March 22-23, 2019;
  • 4.4.2 Arrange Seminar on Meat Extension in USA and Food Safety which was presented by two guests from Kansas State University, USA August 7, 2018
  • 4.4.3 Initiated training for the faculity from professionals from Sweden; Dairy Farm Planning and Design by DELAVAL, Sweden from March 1-3, 2016
  • 4.4.4 Guest lecturer at Jima, Hawassa University May 2016, April 2019
  • 4.4.5 Initiated training through virtual meeting on Incubation by professionals from PUM, the Netherlands

5. Membership in Professional association

5.1 Registered professional natural scientist at SACNASP, South Africa

5.2 Member of Ethiopian Society of Animal Production, Ethiopia

6. Workshop participated

6.1 Ethiopian Society of Animal Production (ESAP) annual meeting, Ethiopia 1998- Present

6.2 African Agriculture Conference conducted at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Nov.28-31, 2010

6.3 Durban Climate Change meeting (COP 17), South Africa Nov. 18-28, 2011

6.4 47th Annual SASAS conference, University of Pretoria, South Africa July 6 – 8, 2014

7. Worked as a reviewer for the following journals

7.1 East African Journal of Agriculture

7.2 Journal of Ethiopian Veterinary Medicine

7.3 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine

7.4 International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research

7.5 African Journal of Food Science and Technology

7.6 African Journal of Microbiology Research (AJMR)

7.7 Arsi Journal of Sciences and Innovations

8. Grant experience

8.1 Won a project funded by USAID (2016-2020) through Florida State University with partner with Kansas State University, Texas M&A and Hawassa University entitled ‘Linking cattle nutrition to human nutrition: A value chain approach to improving the production, handling, and consumption of animal source foods in Ethiopia’

8.2 Won world bank project (Climate SABC) with a team at HU (2016)

8.3 Won research grant of University of Pretoria, South Africa for PhD study (2012-2014)

9. Consultancy

9.1 Consultant for the AU-IBAR on Value Chain Analysis and Mapping of the Red Meat and Live Animal Livestock Value Chain in InterGovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region

9.2 Advise post graduate students: Advised more than 30 M.Sc. and more than 10 PhD students Since 2015

10. Recent publications: Orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0955-3811