HU Staff Research Grant Competition


The Office of Research Affairs of Haramaya University invite staff members of the university to submit small/medium scale research projects under four Research Grant categories. The grants are intended to fund research projects with researchable ideas that realistically can be completed in two years and require limited levels of funding. A maximum of 500,000 birr for a two year project with a maximum of 250,000 per year will be provided per project. The scope of these grants cover wide range of research areas under six thematic areas of the university.

HU Regular Research Grant (HURG): HURG aims to fund original research proposals with ideas that address societal problems, produce scientific knowledge, advance discovery, and yield tangible output and demonstrate intellectual merits.

HU Innovative Fund (HUIF): HUIF aims to encourage out-of-the-box research and encourage curiosity driven research that lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will accelerate the field of the suggested research. HUIF funds research proposals that focus on creating new ideas, challenging current paradigms and analyzing existing problems from new perspectives. Main focus areas could be on life easing and problem solving technologies.
HU Women Research Grant (HUWG): HUWG is meant to encourage and make women researchers engage in research by submitting competitive research projects that would benefit the community in general and women in particular. The project PI should be female and at least 50% of the other team members should also be females.
HU Knowledge Transfer Grant (HUKT): HUKT is meant to encourage and facilitates the application of a wide range of knowledge generated elsewhere through basic research and very useful to industry and society. HUKT supports the wider adoption and use of models, tools and technologies with proven societal impacts through the transfer of knowledge, skills and expertise. The proposals with activities that have the potential to inform decisions about public policy, professional practice and societal problems are highly in demand and preferred.

 Priority Research Areas
The research project should directly address the priority research area identified for the 2022/23 call for proposals (Annex 01). The priority research area the project targeting should be mentioned in the proposal cover page. Indigenous, Basic and Applied Research are accepted for application.

Eligibility Criteria

Exclusion criteria

How to Apply?

Important Timetables

Review process

In order to be eligible for a grant:
ü The principal investigator should be a academic staff member of the university with a minimum academic rank of Lecturer.
ü The applicants should be academic, research and technical staff members of Haramaya University to be members of the Research Groups.
ü A staff member can only apply as a Principal Investigator for one research topic and two research topics as a Co-investigator per year. OR a staff member can only apply for three research topics as a Co-investigator per year. So, a single staff member’s participation in more than a total of three projects (multiple applications) shall lead to the rejection of all applications. This number includes participation in the Grand Challenge Research Grant, as a single university staff member should not participate in more than three projects each year.
ü The geographical area of implementation of the proposed project should be in the eastern part of Ethiopia, except for compelling reasons.

List of Annexes: Grant Application Supporting Documents

Annex 01: Priority Research Focus Areas

  Annex 02: Proposal Preparation Guide and Instructions
  Annex 03: Budget breakdown Template and Justification