Endrias Geta , Alem Mezgebo, Fresenbet Zeleke Economic Valuation of Improved Management of Dechatu Watershed in Dire Dawa Administration V II 2012 2014
Megersa Debela Hailemicheal Bekele Impact of Cooperatives on Rural Poverty in Eastern Oromia: The case of Haramaya Vegetable Farmers’ Cooperative Union (HVFCU) V I 2013 2015
Wondifraw Mihret rega Shumetie The impact of creativity and innovation based TVET strategy on the business performance of smes in eastern Ethiopia V II 2014 2016
Admkew Haile Mesay Tiku Impact of effective leadership on corporate success V I 2014 2016
Teshome Lejissa Bekelu Teshome Million Sileshi Causalities of increment and farm-to-food price dynamics in the context of change in real income: A case of Eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia V I 2014 2016
Mukerem Taha Yohannes Mulugeta Mulu Berhanu Determinants and effect of multidimensional poverty in Western Hararghe zone V I 2014 2016
Dr. Belaineh Legesse Dr. Jema Haji Alelign Ademe Determinants of agricultural commercialization and productivity of smallholder farm households in eastern Ethiopia V I 2014 2016
Melese Sitotaw Desalegn Amlaku Rural enterpreneurship and small enterprise development in ethiopia, implication for livelihood diversification: The case of east hararghe zone of oromia national regional state V I 2014 2016
Mesay Tiku Melese Sitotaw Admkew Haile An assessment of women leadership empowermnet, barriers, challenges, opportunities and experiences V I 2014 2016
Samiya Abdulahi Amare Mabrie Urban multidimensional poverty and vulnerability in eastern Ethiopia The case of dire dawa, harar and jigjiga towns V I 2014 2016
Dr. Jema Haji Rural women's non-farm entreprenuship: patterns, determinants, and impacts on household welfare and foood security in eastern Ethiopia V I 2014 2016
Abdurehman Aliye Dr. Adem Kedir Muhammednur Ahmed Responsibilities of higher education institutions for sustainable development: The case of Ethiopian university V I 2014 2016
Aman Kiniso Tofik Abdo Analyzing determinants of local instutions/organizations for natural resource management and their impacts on conflict management: The case of west Hararghe Zone oromia National Regional State V I 2014 2016
Ararsa Gudisa Dessaleng Duguma Getachew Workineh Gedamu Amare Prospects and Implementation Gaps of current urban land lease holding policy of ethiopia: evidences from dire dawa city. V I 2014 2016
Gashaw Jifara Timketa Dagne Waktole Mosisa Enhancing vegetable crop, poultry and fish productivity through integration aquaculture and irrigated agriculture, at chiro, Ethiopia. V I 2014 2016
Henock Semaw Abdurahman Aliyi Saleamlak Walellign Anketse Birhanu Financial sustainability and outreach performance of saving and credit cooperatives: The case of eastern hararge V I 2015 2017
Dr. Belaineh Legesse Zewdie Habte Industrial policy impacts on local economy, and quantity supply and incentives in wheat value chain: the case of arsi zone in ethiopia V I 2015 2017
Ankets Birhanu Tesfaye Abera Dr. Garkebo Basha Entreprencurial motivation and self-employment intention among public and private university undergraduate students: The case of higher institutions in eastern ethiopia V I 2015 2017
Habtamu Balew Fireyihun Fikru The nature and determinationts of urban youth unemployment in eastern ethiopia(The case of harar and jijiga cities) V I 2015 2017
Sima Gudeta Wondmagegn Biru Kibrysfaw Getahun Determinants of growth and sustainability of micro and small enterprises (MSE's) in eastern ethiopia: evidence from harar, dire dawa and haramaya V I 2015 2017
Ermias Bogale Kiros Gtet Determinants of voluntary disclosure of financial information by ethiopian tax payers: in case of eastern ethiopia V I 2015 2017
Sisay Lemma Wondeson Belachew Mustefa Abdulkadir Daniel Taddesse Improved forage and fruit tree based watershed management for sustainable livelihood of the community: the case of west hararghe highlands, oromia regional state, ethiopia V I 2015 2017
Sileshi Gadissa Dr. Preetha V.V Dr. Negassi Ameha Tesfaye Muluye Dagne Bayeh Arayaselassie Abebe Community based, development of small scale fish farming practices: for nutrition and livelihood diversification in east hararghe and harari, eastern ethiopia V I 2015 2017
Musa Hasen Kasahun Mamo Amero Tazeze Adoption of integrated soil fertility management and its impact on productivity and farmers wellbeing: A case study from maize producing farmers of eastern hararghe, ethiopia V II 2015 2017
Alemayehu Beyene Muktar Reshad Scaling-up of faidherbia albida and moringa ileifera based evergreen agriculture to enhance agricultural land productivity: the case of mieso district, west hararghe, oromia national regional state, ethiopia V II 2015 2017
Megarsa Debela Sisay Diriba Supply - Demand for Clean Water in Eastern Ethiopia: Challenges of Improved Water Provision V I 2016 2018
Mulugeta Damie Sisay Diriba Abdureman Aliyi Agricultrual Product Competitiveness, Profitability and Sustainability in Eastern Ethiopia with the Focus of Vegetabe Production V I 2016 2018
Abadi Teferi Megarsa Debela Institutional Challenges of Poverty Reduction and Household Coping Mechanisms: The Case of Eastern Ethiopia V I 2016 2018
Abdurhaman Aliyi Tesfaye Lemma Determainants of Compliance Behavior of Taxpayers and Their Compiance Costs in Eastern ethiopia V I 2016 2017
Alem Mezgebo Haile Aregayene Resouce Utilization and Profit Efficiency in Potato Production in Eastern Harerghe, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia V I 2016 2018
Hadas Temesgen Abdurehman Aliyi Opportunities and Chalenges of Cooperatives in Cooperatives in Empowering women the Case of Eastern Hararge V I 2016 2017
Sisay Diriba Nugussie Dachasa Magarsa Debela Speed of Technology Adoption In Ethiopian Agriculture System: The Case Of Improved Potato Varicties In Eastern Ethiopia V II 2016 2018
Muluken Gezahegn Jemal Yousuf Dereje Kifle Nasir Abda Demonstrating the Potential of Integrated Animal and Crop Source Food to Improve Income, Food and Nutrition of Smallholder Farmers: The case of Horticultural Crop and Poultry in Selected Kebeles of Haramaya District V II 2016 2018
Dereje Kifle Jemal Yousuf Muluken Gezahegn Kadija Kadiro Investory of Demonstrated, Adopted and Sealed Up Agricultral Technologies and Impact Assessment of Selected Scaled Up Technologies in Eastern Ethiopia V II 2016 2018
Tarekegn Getachew Feyisa Hundessa Tesfaye Lemma Negassi Ameha Admasu Bogale Empowering Unemployed Educated Urban and Peri-Urban Youth and Women Through Poultry Development at Babile District, Eastern Hararghe V II 2016 2018
Mulatu Wakgari Moges Dereje Feyisa Hundessa Tesfaye Lemma Negassi Ameha Admasu Bogale Empowering rural and urban youth and women through market-oriented small-scale beekeeping development in selected districts of Eastern Hararghe V II 2016 2018
Million Sileshi Jema Haji Impact of Soil and Water Conservation Practices on Vulnerability to Food Insecurity of Farming Households in Eastern Ethiopia V II 2016 2017