Gurawa Apple Rootstock Maintenance and Research Station
Gurawa Apple Rootstock Maintenance and Research Station is located in Gurawa District Eastern Ethiopia at a distance of 81km away from the main campus. It is serving as Apple Rootstock maintenance station. The center has 2 permanent workers to facilitate and support the research activities in the research station.

Gurawa Apple Rootstock Maintenance and Research Station
Gurawa Apple Rootstock Maintenance and Research Station is located in Gurawa District Eastern Ethiopia at a distance of 81km away from the main campus. It is serving as Apple Rootstock maintenance station. The center has 2 permanent workers to facilitate and support the research activities in the research station.

Gurawa Apple Rootstock Maintenance and Research Station
Gurawa Apple Rootstock Maintenance and Research Station is located in Gurawa District Eastern Ethiopia at a distance of 81km away from the main campus. It is serving as Apple Rootstock maintenance station. The center has 2 permanent workers to facilitate and support the research activities in the research station.
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