Educational Planning and Management is one of the departments in College of Education and Behavioural Sciences, Haramaya University. It was established as a department in 2013 by separating from Pedagogy Department. Currently, the department runs one (1) undergraduate, six(6)postgraduate and three(3)certificate program in Regular, Summer and CEP. Such as Bachelor of Arts Degree in Educational Planning and Management (BA in EdPM), PhD in Education (Stream Educational Leadership and Policy studies), PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy studies (ELPS), Masters of Arts Degree in Educational Leadership (MA in EdL), Masters of Arts Degree in Educational Leadership and Management(MA in EdLM), Masters of Arts Degree in Leadership Technical Vocational Education and Training (MA in LTVET), Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership (PGDSL), Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary schools Supervisor’s(PGCSSS) and Postgraduate Certificate in Primary schools Supervisors(PGCPSS). The department has total of 19 academic staffs and 2 administration staffs; 6 Assistance professors with PhD, 2 assistance Professor without PhD, 4 Assistant Professor and 11, 1 secretory and 1 messenger The department is working hard to pro engaged in promoting research work, effective teaching-learning process and provision of community services.
To be one of the Leading Department of Educational Planning and Management in Africa with International Reputation By 2025.
Our Mission is to Produce Competent Graduates in the Field of Educational Planning and Management, Undertake Rigorous, Problem Solving and Cutting-Edge Researches, and Provide Demand-Driven and Transformative Community Services
- To produce educational leaders and researchers who can address educational demands and challenges through critical analysis of educational institutions’ environment (political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological).
- To produce democratic, visionary, innovative, change oriented and professionally committed educational planners and managers that can hold leadership responsibilities under decentralized educational contexts.
- To produce competent educational planners, managers and supervisors who can handle leadership responsibilities under the context of changing environment and decentralized educational system.
- To produce educational planners and mangers that can mobilize and involve the local communities and thereby strengthen the school and community relationship.
- Produce educational Leaders who lead all activities in educational organizations towards the realization of organizational vision and mission.
Value and Committed to Academic Freedom, Perseverance, Good Governance, Diversity, Professionalism, Collaborative Spirit, Creativity And Innovation, Respect for Nature and Environment.
We Build the Basis for Development through Quality Education
Professional Profile
The graduates of Educational Planning & Management will be able to:
- Understand and apply constitutional provisions, educational policies and strategies and related legislations in the management of education.
- Provide professional support (serve as supervisors) to teachers in the areas of instruction, curriculum development and professional development in order to improve the success of students.
- Apply and manage policies and guidelines relevant to human and other resources utilization.
- Undertake action and basic research to improve their professional competence and solve educational management problems.
- Assess, control and assure quality of education at varies level
- apply best educational practices in the local context
- plays vital role in the development process of the society
- Develop, manage and evaluate educational plans, programs and projects.
- Initiate and manage educational innovations and changes.
- Conduct educational research & apply it to educational context
Generally, graduates will develop professional competencies in educational/school organization and management, communication, teamwork, decision making, planning, educational leadership and research. All of which are highly valued by employers. Because of the wide range of generic skills and the rigor with which they are taught, training in educational planning and management is widely accepted as providing an excellent preparation for a number of careers. These graduates are, therefore, qualified members of their professional community; they could serve as professional school leaders, planners, managers, researchers, education experts, consultants, decision makers, educators, and trainers in educational organization settings.