The College of Education and Behavioral Sciences (CEBS) was established in 1997 and currently organized into four departments Department of Adult Education and Community Development (AECD); Educational Planning and Management (EdPM); Psychology and Special Needs and Inclusive Education (SNIE). Moreover, it runs Higher Diploma Program (HDP), Postgraduate Diploma in Secondary School Teaching (PGDT), and Postgraduate Diploma in School Leadership (PGDSL), Postgraduate Certificate in secondary school Supervision (PCSSS), Postgraduate certificate in primary school supervision (PCPSS) and English language improvement center (ELIC) as independent Units, which are led by their respective coordinators. The College currently runs 4 undergraduate and 21 postgraduate programs.
Our vision is to be one of the leading colleges of Education in East Africa with international reputation by 2030
Our Mission is to Produce Competent Graduates in the Field of Education and Behavioral Science Undertake Rigorous, Problem-Solving and Cutting-Edge Researches, and Provide Demand- Driven and Transformative Community Services and programs.
Core Values
We Value and are Committed to Academic Freedom, Perseverance, Good Governance, Diversity, Professionalism, Collaborative Spirit, Creativity and Innovation, Respect for Nature and Environment
Our Motto
Building the Basis for Development through Quality Education