Haramaya University, college of Health and Medical science, School of Medicine was established in 2008 G.C under the faculty of Health Science. In the past 15 years the school was graduate more than 1100 medical doctors and 42 specialized physicians in internal medicine, gynecology/Obstetrics, pediatrics and surgery. Currently there are undergraduate and post graduate students enrolled in 01 undergraduate and 10 post graduate programs.
The practical aspect of medical teaching is delivered in Hiwot Fana Comprehensive University hospital; it is one of the few tertiary referral Teaching hospital in the country with the catchment population of more than 6 million.
Currently the hospital is comprized of seven departments:
- Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and pain medicine
- Department of Emergency Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Pediatrics & Child health
- Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology about 617 undergraduate medical students in the preclinical and clinical components and 124 postgraduate residents are enrolled.
.The School of Medicine strives to be among the leading medical schools recognized nationally and regionally for excellence in medical education, clinical research and community services
To produce competent, compassionate and committed doctors that would meet the present and future priority health needs of the Ethiopian population and fulfill international standards for medical education.
Medicine Council
- The school head is the chair person.
- Secretary will be appointed by the council from the members.
- All department heads under the school of medicine
- All academic unit heads under school of medicine
- All school level program coordinators. And program coordinators under the departments.
- Quality team leader of the school of medicine
- Two student representatives (one male and one Female)
- The school Council DC can co-opt and invite to its meetings any member of the staff of the university in the course of execution of its tasks. Such invited members shall not have voting rights.
1.2. Committees of School of Medicine Council
- Standing Committee
- Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee
- Curriculum design, revision and approval based on need.
- Skill laboratories, demonstration rooms and attachment/detachment sites and provide reports whenever they deemed necessary
- Any other learning-teaching issues
- Research, Extension, and Publications Committee
- Evaluate academic staff promotion applications based on promotion guideline, and the required scientific standard
- Staff and students’ research
- Publication of research outputs and technologies
- Community engagement activities
- Clinical and field research sites
- Team Training Program (TTP) and Community Based Training Program (CBTP)
- Project/grants related issues
- Research Ethics
- Examination and Grading Committee (EGC).
- course offering,
- exam blue printing,
- item analysis,
- monitoring and evaluation of learning-teaching processes……)
Additional Committee
The school Council, when deemed necessary, may appoint ad-hoc committees, whose members may be drawn from the staff of the department, or other units of the collage (when required), to perform specific tasks.
1.3. Powers and Duties of the Council:
- prepare the schools short and long-term objectives, plans and programmes, and necessary budgets for their implementation and submit the same to the dean (CARD) through the school head;
- recommend criteria to the AC for the selection of students joining the department;
- monitor, co-ordinate, and ensure that all examinations are reviewed by the curriculum and standard committee for completeness of content, rigor, and soundness;
- review grades and recommend the academic status of students to the AC every semester or year;
- review grades and recommend graduation of students;
- plan and co-ordinate regular reviews of curricula, initiation of new courses, cancellation of obsolete ones, merger of courses, conduct of research, extension, community services, proper utilization of departmental resources, maintenance of standards and quality of the academic and research programs of the department;
- develop annual research, extension, community service plans and ensure their proper conduct and implementation;
- review and approve research proposals presented to it through its research and publications committee;
- plan, organize, and coordinate laboratory facilities and installations to ensure effective use and proper conduct of teaching, research, and community service activities;
- plan and coordinate proper mechanism of handling, maintenance, and repair of laboratory equipment, devices, and facilities as well as ensure mechanism of disposal of expired chemicals, apparatus, devices, and wastes;
- plan and supervise infrastructure of the Department and ensure timely maintenance and proper functioning for conducting teaching and research activities;
- plan, solicit, and co-ordinate consultancy services to be rendered by staff of the department ensuring that University’s regulations governing consultancy services are adhered to;
- recommend actions to the dean (CARD or CED), regarding:
- promote the wellbeing of staff and the students of the school
- plan staff development schemes for the department;
- plan and implement staff evaluation by students and peers, institution of scholarships, fellowships, prizes and other awards to students and staff of the school;
- recommend to the AC, the appointment and promotion of staff members of the school; and
- plan and foster organizing workshops, symposia, networking and professional associations, research consortia, alumni, etc.
1.4 Meeting of the School Council
- The school Council shall meet at least six times per semester.
- The chairperson shall call a meeting when requested by at least one-third of the members of the school Council within five working days.
- The chairperson may call a meeting at any reasonable time he deems necessary.
2.1. Appointment and Accountability
- A school head shall be elected by the school council and staff through the University’s procedure and endorsed by the dean (CED).
- Candidates for headship shall be full-time staff members of the school concerned.
- The school head shall be Medical doctor with rank of lecturer and above
- The school head shall be accountable to the dean.
- The term of office of a head of a school shall be two years at the end of which he may be re-elected for one more term.
2.3. Duties and Responsibilities
The school head, in regular consultation with the college dean and the council shall:
- Direct the teaching, research, and community service activities of the school;
- promote the enhancement of the quality and relevance of teaching and research in the school
- initiate proposals for deliberations by Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee (CASC) and Research, Extension, and Publications Committee (REPC) on matters within the jurisdiction of the latter;
- follow-up and implement the decisions and recommendations of the school Council, AC, and higher bodies of the University;
- seek to provide opportunities for educational and professional development of the staff and students of the school;
- follow-up the processing of appointments, promotions, salary increments and the benefits due to the staff of the school in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University
- prepare budgetary plans for academic, research, community services, and closely supervise the implementation of the approved plans and budgets;
- create conducive atmosphere for the expansion of academic and research efforts in the school;
- assign an advisor to each student to help him in his education and research, and provide appropriate and timely guidance and counselling to students;
- facilitate and ensure the proper use of material and human resources within the school;
- ensure that staff of the department submit periodic reports on their teaching and research activities, and, in consultation with the school council, take appropriate actions on issues of concern stated in the reports;
- prepare quarterly and annual reports and compile them in a form of booklets as well as upload them on the University’s website updating the versions each year.
- keep records of activities of all staff members of the department to serve as inputs for evaluations. Such records shall, inter alia, include reports on research work, publications, conference papers and talks, status of works in progress during that year, professional public services and participation in University affairs;
- conduct performance evaluation of each staff at the end of each academic year;
- ensure that students’ evaluations and peer reviews of staff of the school are properly conducted and the necessary reports are submitted to the dean and staff members as per procedures on these matters;
- keep or ensure the keeping of proper academic records of students of the school;
- delegate his powers to another full-time academic staff member of the school, and where necessary carry out other relevant tasks assigned to him by the dean;
- Prepare up-to-date progress reports on the teaching, research and community services provided by the school.
3.School of medicine Program Coordinators
- Elected through a University procedure by school council and endorsed by the Dean ( CED);
- The program coordinators shall be accountable to the Head of school;
- Terms of office three years with possibility of re-election for one or more times
3.1 Duties and responsibilities of Preclinical Coordinator:
- Facilitate the teaching and learning activities and evaluation of pre- clinical year students
- Prepare the annual calendar for Pre-clinical year students
- Manage student’s withdrawal and readmission cases and present to the school council.
- Collect the final evaluation of students and grade at the end of semester/ year and present it for school council and AC for status determination.
- Prepare induction meeting for program department and preceptors before the actual start of clinical practice
- Take the lead in the preparation, distribution and the use of Pre-clinical practice syllabus
- Prepare the availability of adequate equipment, learning and assessment tools, supplies, transportation facilities, program management and other logistics for student practice
- Coordinate date of the site visit with the Pre-clinical faculty member,
- Confirm site visit one day prior to the event
- Ascertain with the preceptor that clients will be available at the day of the site visit and selecting several cases that can be seen by the student
- Take the lead in addressing problems that arise during student Pre-clinical lab skill practice.
3.2 School of Medicine Clinical Coordinator:
- Facilitate the teaching and learning activities and evaluation of clinical year students
- Prepare the annual calendar for clinical year students
- Manage student’s withdrawal and readmission cases and present to the school council.
- Collect the final evaluation of students and grade at the end of semester/ year and present it for school council and AC for status determination.
- Prepare induction meeting for program department and preceptors before the actual start of clinical practice
- Lead monitoring and evaluation of clinical practice
- Take the lead in the preparation, distribution and the use of clinical practice syllabus
- Prepare the availability of adequate equipment, learning and assessment tools, supplies, transportation facilities, program management and other logistics for student practice
- Coordinate date of the site visit with the clinical faculty member,
- Confirm site visit one day prior to the event
- Ascertain with the preceptor that clients will be available at the day of the site visit and selecting several cases that can be seen by the student
- Introduce faculty member with preceptor and support staff, provide ―tour‖ to the facility if appropriate, discuss procedures, and how clients are selected for the student
- Take the lead in addressing problems that arise during student clinical practice
3.3 Duties and responsibilities of Intern & CBTP Coordinator
The role of CBTP and medical internship coordinator
- The coordinator is directly accountable to the head of the school of medicine and works in collaboration with other position holders of the school.
- The coordinator is responsible for coordination of the following major activities
- Community based training program (CBTP) coordination
- Medical internship program coordination
- Medical intern’s research coordination
- Team training program (TTP) for medical intern coordination.
- Comprehensive examination facilitation
- Community based training program (CBTP) coordination
- he coordinator collects the academic calendar of preclinical one, two and clinical one students from the preclinical and clinical coordinators.
- The coordinator communicates the community based education (CBE) office the specific phase of the CBTP and they together
- Revise the questionnaires
- Select sites
- Give orientation for both students and on site supervisors
- Supervise both the students and the supervisors
- Invite instructors and facilitate the final presentation
- Collect submitted materials and evaluation results, reevaluate them, compile and submit final grade to the registrar.
- Medical internship program coordination
- The coordinator prepares academic calendar, offers courses.
- Together with the registrar and clinical coordinator they screen qualified medical students for illegibility to join internship and facilitate the registration for medical internship.
- Divide the medical interns into four equal parts and assign them to each of the four medical wards.
- Communicate their number to the CHMS finance director and makes sure budget is allocated for their salary.
- Follows there were about and confirm their attendance before the school head signs their salary.
- Medical intern’s research coordination
- Prepares specific schedule for research title selection, proposal submission, final paper submission and final grade submission.
- Screens the titles submitted, approve them and assigns advisors in their thematic area
- Team training program (TTP) for medical intern coordination.
- Together with the CBE office prepares the schedule for TPP for medical interns and facilitate the following activities
- Revise the questionnaires
- Select sites
- Give orientation for both students and on site supervisors
- Supervise both the students and the supervisors
- Assign on site supervisors and final presentation evaluators
- Compile evaluation results and submit final grades to the registrar.
- Comprehensive examination facilitation
- In collaboration with the school of public health the coordinator facilitates both the written and oral comprehensive examinations of medical students.
- The coordinator is a member of both the school council and academic commission and is responsible to present all matters related to activities under his/her coordination for approval and decision before time.
3.4 Duties and responsibilities Post Graduate Coordinator:
- Facilitate the teaching and learning activities and evaluation of post graduate program students
- Prepare the annual calendar for post graduate program.
- Manage student’s withdrawal and readmission cases and present to the school council.
- Collect the final evaluation of students and grade at the end of semester/ year and present it for school council and AC for status determination.
- Prepare induction meeting for program department and preceptors before the actual start of clinical practice
- Lead monitoring and evaluation of clinical practice.
- Take the lead in the preparation, distribution and the use of clinical practice syllabus.
- Prepare the availability of adequate equipment, learning and assessment tools, supplies, transportation facilities, program management and other logistics for student practice.
- Coordinate date of the site visit with the clinical faculty member.
- Confirm site visit one day prior to the event.
- Ascertain with the preceptor that clients will be available at the day of the site visit and selecting several cases that can be seen by the student.
- Introduce faculty member with preceptor and support staff, provide tour to the facility if appropriate, discuss procedures, and how clients are selected for the student.
- Take the lead in addressing problems that arise during student clinical practice.
- Evaluate and lead the expansion new of post graduate programs.
- Prepare lists of research projects, including titles of researches, names of investigators, locations of experiments, etc., for each research program within post graduate programs in collaboration with department post graduate coordinators and follow their progresses.
3.5 School of Medicine Clinical Research Coordinator:
- Coordinate and monitor the research and extension activities of the school;
- Compile annual and quarterly research and extension reports at school level and submit it to the research and extension office.
- Prepare lists of research projects, including titles of researches, names of investigators, locations of experiments, etc., for each research program within the department and follow their progresses;
- Ensure that resource, such as fund and vehicles are used effectively and efficiently;
- Collect labor employment requests and submits the same to Research and Extension Office for approval within the established time frame;
- Collect and approve daily and contractual labor attendance information from each research programe, and submit it to the Personnel Department;
- Compile and submit budget requirements of the school departmental research programmes within the established timeframe
- Based on the request of the research programme leaders, prepare a formal letter or format regarding land requirement, farm machinery, etc. to the Director of Research facilities;
- Endorse per diem requests of researchers and support staff of the department as per the available budget and activity plan, and approve field trip reports; and
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the College Research and Extension Advisory Committee and the Department to which he belongs.
4. Department Heads under school of Medicine
- A department head shall be elected by the department council through the University’s procedure and endorsed by the dean.
- Candidates for headship shall be full-time staff members of the department concerned.
- The department head shall be accountable to the school head.
- The term of office of a head of a department shall be two years at the end of which he may be re-elected for one more term.
4.1 Duties and responsibilities of department/Unit heads
- Direct the teaching, research, and community service activities of the department;
- promote the enhancement of the quality and relevance of teaching and research in the department;
- Initiate proposals for deliberations by Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee (CASC) and Research, Extension, and Publications Committee (REPC) on matters within the jurisdiction of the latter;
- Follow-up and implement the decisions and recommendations of the DC, AC, and higher bodies of the University;
- Seek to provide opportunities for educational and professional development of the staff and students of the department;
- follow-up the processing of appointments, promotions, salary increments and the benefits due to the staff of the department in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University;
- prepare budgetary plans for academic, research, community services, and closely supervise the implementation of the approved plans and budgets;
- create conducive atmosphere for the expansion of academic and research efforts in the department;
- assign an advisor to each student to help him in his education and research, and provide appropriate and timely guidance and counselling to students;
- facilitate and ensure the proper use of material and human resources within the department;
- ensure that staff of the department submit periodic reports on their teaching and research activities, and, in consultation with the DC, take appropriate actions on issues of concern stated in the reports;
- prepare quarterly and annual reports and compile them in a form of booklets as well as upload them on the University’s website updating the versions each year.
- keep records of activities of all staff members of the department to serve as inputs for evaluations. Such records shall, inter alia, include reports on research work, publications, conference papers and talks, status of works in progress during that year, professional public services and participation in University affairs;
- conduct performance evaluation of each staff at the end of each academic year;
- ensure that students’ evaluations and peer reviews of staff of the department are properly conducted and the necessary reports are submitted to the dean and staff members as per procedures on these matters;
- keep or ensure the keeping of proper academic records of students of the department;
- delegate his powers to another full-time academic staff member of the department, and where necessary carry out other relevant tasks assigned to him by the dean;
- prepare up-to-date progress reports on the teaching, research and community services provided by the department.
5. School of Medicine Quality Team:
- Ensures that high standards and good practice within the teaching, learning and assessment are embedded.
- Lead the accreditation of different programs under the school
- Monitor the academic activity
- Work with research coordinator with possible quality improvement projects.
Haramaya University, CHMS, School of Medicine Organogram