1. Research and community services
Our staff and students are providing community services through TTP and CBTP programs including outreach health services for many households in deferent TTP and CBTP sites and health centers of the college in Harar town and nearby villages and towns. Currently large numbers our staff members are also engaged in community problem solving research funded by the Haramaya University.
Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles. The school of Nursing and midwifery is committed to contribute for the sustainable socioeconomic development of the country through: training competent nurses, midwives and psychiatric nursing professionals that will work on improving health care practice, providing high quality promotional, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services for the community; conducting problem based health and health related researches that will seek to address the community’s problems; and promoting national and international professional associations, councils, governmental and nongovernmental cooperation and collaboration. We encourage our students to be part of professional associations and councils. We celebrate international council of nursing day with our students.
As a school level, we have many futures to accomplish. We are on the way to open PhD in nursing program. Even though we are working hard to bring change, there is no free lunch, we do have many challenges among this the main are lack of sufficient trained PhD staffs in Nursing field of study.
Currently, the college teaching 1770 undergraduate, 593 masters, 120 residency, and 53 PhD students in four schools and two departments. Since January 2008, 1023 Master, 27 PhD, 133 staff grant researches conducted and more than 610 publications on the internationally reputable journals published by the college staff. The college has its own journal, EAJHBS
2. Projects
Some of the projects which have been implemented at the college: DHSS; MEPI-Project; CDC; CIRHT-Ethiopia; CHAMPS and CBMP, Focal project, One WASH project, and EthOSS