
The Haramaya University, School of Nursing and Midwifery was established as a nursing department in 1994. Initially, the department offered a three-year diploma program in public health nursing. The department launched its nursing baccalaureate program in 2002. In 2008, the nursing department expanded into the School of Nursing and Midwifery.

The School of Nursing and Midwifery is a rapidly growing school in the college. Currently, the school is running 11 undergraduate programs and 6 postgraduate programs. The school also launched a new postgraduate program in Somaliland in partnership with Amoud and Horn International Universities. In addition, the school working with the Deborah Foundation to launch a two-year MSc program in pediatric development and rehabilitation nursing.

The school owned four fully furnished four-skill laboratories equipped with high and low-fidelity simulators. The skill laboratories were selected as an OSCE (objective structured clinical examination) center for the national licensure exam for nurses and midwives.

The school enrolls and provides education for 529 regular undergraduate students (208 female and 321 male), 422 summer undergraduate students (101 female and 321 male) 85 MSc students (35 female and 50 male), and 8 Ph.D., students (4 female and 4 male). The school has 96 academic staff members (25 female and 71 male). The school also has 8 technical assistances (2 male and 6 female). The school is managed by the school head and undergraduate programs are managed by program coordinators.