Goal of the Program:

The goal of the program is to produce high level professionals in the fields of Special Needs and Inclusive Education that would play a leading role in caring out research, teaching and community services.  

Objectives of the Program:

The objectives of the program are to produce qualified professionals who can:

  • analyze critically the contemporary issues of special needs and inclusive education within the national and global contexts;
  • teach responsibly in different higher institutions;
  • advise policy makers on national educational problems and issues related to special needs and inclusive education;
  • develop curriculum and instructional materials for different levels of educational institutions;
  • evaluate the educational policy at national and international levels concerning special needs and inclusive education;
  • design educational programs on the bases of human development, individual difference and diversity;
  • undertake research and development projects on educational issues from the national and global perspectives;
  • promote legal and policy issues and practice that supports high quality education in inclusive settings  and improves outcomes for individuals with special needs;
  • assess and identify students with special needs and render professional services at all levels of a community;
  • use scientific-based methodology to research, evaluate and improve curriculum, instruction and interventions for students with special needs;
  • undertake research and development project in the area of special needs and inclusive education; and
  • Participate actively in awareness rising, capacity-building, and information dissemination activities undertaken in the area of special needs and inclusive education.
  • Produce professionals who create awareness about special needs/individual differences and develop skills of identifying these needs to provide support and prevent possible exclusion of learners at risk.
  • Produce professionals who work with school and local community, empower and encourage regular school teachers to use alternative and supportive teaching approaches and improve quality of learning.
  • provide professionals in education who can identify, and asses the needs, problems and potentials of different children with special needs and provide psychosocial and psycho educational interventions
  • Produce resource persons to provide support to the mainstream teachers having learners with special needs in their classes.
  • Facilitate the inclusion of children and youth with special needs into the mainstream schools with the appropriate attitude, skills and knowledge.
  • generate teachers who can construct and administer various intervention based assessment tools so as to confirm the existence of disability and its diverse nature
  • develop teachers who can assess the teaching, training, therapeutic and vocational needs of children and youth with special needs
  • provide teachers who can manage the problem behavior of children and youth with special needs
  • develop teachers who can render counseling services to the parents, caregivers teachers, etc. so as to prevent the exclusion of the children and youth with special needs

Graduate Profiles at the End of the Program, the Graduate Are Expected to Have the Following Profiles

  • Conduct cutting-edge research in the field of special needs and inclusive education
  • Carry out problem oriented and innovative projects
  • Produce demand driven educational policies and programs in the area of special needs and inclusive education
  • Critically evaluate contemporary educational policies and programs
  • Render sound special needs educational services to community
  • Provide advisory services to educational policy and decision makers in the area of special needs and inclusive education
  • Lead educational institutions and organization at different levels
  • Conduct teaching and training in higher educational institutions
  • Develop  high  quality teaching and training materials
  • Value diversity and individual differences in education and training
  • Manage change in educational settings
  • Adapt and accommodate sound educational philosophies and theories that commensurate individual difference
  • Adapt and use screening and assessment tools
  • Train and assist teachers in identification and assessment children’s development and learning
  • Develop intervention packages including individual educational plan (IEP)
  • Develop and guide early intervention programs in preschools and home
  • Plan and implement rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities in various settings
  • Serve as school counselor for students with special needs and their parents
  • Serve as a graduate assistant and researcher at various higher education institutions
  • Serve as a resource person  in cluster schools and satellite schools
  • Support students and regular school teachers in basic skills such as Braille, Sign    Language and Mobility and Orientation
  • Supervise school and cluster school activities on inclusive education
  • Facilitate social and physical accessibility for all students
  • Create access for education for children/students out of school
  • Establish networking among stakeholders and mobilize resources
  • Contribute towards the improvement of quality education for all learners

Degree Nomenclature: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Special Needs and Inclusive Education (የአርት ባችለር ዲግሪ በልዩ ፍላጎት እና አካቶ ትምህርት)