The College of Business and Economics of Haramaya University conducted National Curriculum Review Workshop on 22 October 2021 as part of its preparation to launch two new postgraduate programs: Masters of Science in Accounting and Finance, and Masters of Public Policy and Management (MPPM) in the coming 2021/2022 academic year.
In his welcoming speech, Dr. Temesgen Keno, Dean of College of Business and Economics, indicated that the curricula for the programs were developed based on need assessments and the developed curricula were also critically scrutinized and evaluated through Internal Curriculum Review Workshop.
It is after passing through these rigorous processes that this national workshop was organized to further evaluate and enrich the two curricula with the participation of external professional reviewers and staff members of Haramaya University, Dr Temesgen added.
Dr. Temesgen said the overall objective of these programs is to respond to the dynamic (professional) business environment that needs increased knowledge, skill and competency of candidates, to contribute to the higher education expansion policy of the country which is also envisioned in the strategic plan of Haramaya University, to improve the research capacity and community engagement services of the College of Business and Economics.
The need to launch postgraduate program in Accounting and Finance, according to the Dean, has increased from time to time due to the dynamism in the business environment that posed a challenge in local, regional and global markets.
In such turbulent and competitive business environment, up-to-date and relevant financial information and evidences are required to make high-level managerial decisions and the accuracy of these decisions depends on the relevance of the evidences which in turn determine the success or failure of the business, according to Dr Temesgen.
With these justifications and discussions at the College level and during the in-house workshop, the two curricula were recently forwarded for external reviewers for their meticulous review and reflection on this national review workshop.
The curriculum designing team has benefited a lot from the constructive comments of the external reviewers, it was indicated.
Reviewers addressed that the curricula designed should derive all the benefits from the later comer advantage and constitute standard curricula in the Digital Age.
It was highlighted that the College is expected to make graduates ready to address the growing business needs of decision makers by generating relevant and up-to-date financial evidences that support decisions, instead of preparing the students for old-time careers in book keeping, financial recording, accounting and reporting.
With skills and capabilities enhanced by the current state-of-the art technology and innovation, graduates are expected to be internal consultants and financial strategy analysts who uphold paper-less decision support systems in business organizations.
From the National Curricula Review Workshop, the College was able to gain various learning and constructive comments.
The Dean said the College is committed to use this knowledge and enrich the curricula by including all the important comments to get approval from the Graduate Council, Senate and Board of Haramaya University.
Once the final approval is secured, the College plans to put the two curricula in operation during the first quarter of the year 2022, according to Dr. Temesgen.
Dr.Yilfashewa Seyoum, Director of Academic Programs of Haramaya University, in his closing speech, appreciated the College’s initiative to expand and diversify its academic programs by launching such innovative programs that would become vital additions to the existing pool of diverse postgraduate programs run by the University.
He also noted that both programs are relevant and in line with the University’s vision and assured the University management’s relentless and continuous support for the College in implementing the programs as envisioned.
He added that HU was recently promoted among research universities, being mandated to focus on offering postgraduate programs and undertaking relevant and problem-solving research. Due to the increased demand for postgraduate level instructors, many accounting and finance graduates are opting to study in overseas universities, Dr Yilfashewa indicated.
Dr. Yilfashewa expressed his gratitude to the reviewers and the workshop participants for the constructive comments and suggestions forwarded to shape the content, pedagogy, and structure of the curriculum for the two programs.
The curricula must be designed to ensure that they fit the mission of the University, have potential for excellence and strong intellectual leadership, it was highlighted.
The event was attended by over 30 HU staff, postgraduate students and senior professionals from Addis Ababa University.