
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Campus
Sep. 2007–Dec. 2011
PhD in Plant Chemical Ecology
Addis Ababa University
1998 - 2000 Systematic Botany and Ecology
Addis Ababa University
1987 – 1990
B.Sc. in Biology
Haramaya University, Associate Professor
2016 to present
Haramaya University,Assistant Professor
Teacher, Secondary School

  • Basic computer skills
  • SPSS statistical software
  • Ecological field techniques
  • Leadership

Research Interest
Plant chemical interactions to abiotic and biotic environments, phytochemistry, ethnobotany, plant
regeneration ecology, ecophysiology, biodiversity conservation
Competitive Grants won
1. Research grant won from Graduate School in Forest Sciences (GsForest) in Finland from January 2011-December 2011 to cover my salary and some expenses for research.
2. Niemi Foundation in Finland. Grant obtained for completion of my research and thesis writing
3. HU research grant on ‘The use of Human urine as fertilizer for the cultivation of vegetables’’. Research completed, two M.Sc. theses completed and one article published on
peer-reviewed journal
4. HU research grant on ‘Ethnobotanical studies of medicinal plants from Shinille and Jijiga
areas.Research completed
5. HU research grant on ’Development of indoor aquaculture for production of fish (Tilapia,
Oreochromisniloticus). Research completed.
6. HU research grant on ‘Impacts of UV-B and UV-A radiations on biochemical and growth
responses of selected vegetables in Eastern Ethiopia
7. HU research grant on ‘Production of biofuels from invasive weeds, Prosopisjuliflora and
8. HU research grant on ‘Anti-diabetic efficiency of selected medicinal plants in Eastern
9. HU research grant on ‘Small scale production of bio-fertilizer (Azotobacter) for rural
farmers in Eastern Ethiopia.
10. HU research grant on ‘Woody species diversity, population structure and regeneration
potential of Bakalcha natural forest, West Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia: implication for biodiversity conservation
11. HU research grant on ‘Ethnobotanical study of wild edible plants at western Hararge,
Ethiopia: implication for food security
1. Meseret C. Egigu, BirhanemeskelMelak, Ameha Kebede and Manikandan Muthuswamy. 2014.
Use of Human Urine as Fertilizer for Vegetable Cultivation. International Journal of Agriculture
and Innovation Research. 3:254-258.
2. Teame Gebrekidan, Meseret C. Egigu and MannikandanMuthuswamy2014. Efficiency of
biogas production from cactus fruit peel co-digestion with cow dung. International Journal of
Advanced Research 2:916-923.
3. Satyan R. Santhanam, Malarvannan S., Meseret C. Egigu and Ajay P. 2014.
PentacyclicTriterpenoids and a Linear Alkane from the Milky Mangrove Tree
(Excoecariaagallocha L.) are toxic to the larva of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae). International Journal of Advanced Research. 2:1-12.
4. Satyan Ramachandran Santhanam and Meseret C. Egigu. 2014. Field evaluation of a botanical
formulation from the milky mangrove (Excoecaria agallocha L.) against Helicoverpa
armigera Hubner. in Abelmoschus esculentus (Lady’s Finger) and Cajanus cajan (Pigeon
Pea). Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine.7S1:S171-6. Elsevier.
5. Meseret C. Egigu and Mekonnen Abebe. 2014. Ethnomedicinal use of plants from Gololcha
district, Bale zone of Oromiya region Ethiopia. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional
Medicine. 121: 773-786.
6. Meseret C. Egigu, Mohamed A. Ibrahim, Johanna Riikonen, Asha Yahya, ToiniHolopainen,
RiittaJulkunen-Tiitto & Jarmo K. Holopainen. 2014. Effects of rising temperature on secondary
compounds of Yeheb (Cordeauxia edulis Hemsley). American Journal of Plant Sciences 5: 517-
527. [Free PDF]
7. Meseret C. Egigu, Mohamed A. Ibrahim, Asha Yahya & Jarmo K. Holopainen. 2010.Yeheb
(Cordeauxia edulis) extract deters feeding and oviposition of Plutellaxylostellaand attracts its
natural enemy. Biocontrol 55: 613 – 624.
8. Mohamed A. Ibrahim, Meseret C. Egigu, Anne Kasurinen, Asha Yahya, &Jarmo K.
Holopainen. 2010. Diversity of volatile organic compound emissions from flowering and
vegetative branches of Yeheb, Cordeauxia edulis:(Caesalpiniaceae), a threatened evergreen
desert shrub. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 25: 83 – 92
9. Meseret C. Egigu, Mohamed A. Ibrahim, Asha Yahya&Jarmo K. Holopainen. 2011.
Cordeauxiaedulis and Rhododendron tomentosum extracts disturb orientation and feeding
behavior of Hylobiusabietis and Phyllodectalaticollis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 138: 162 – 174.
10. AnimutAssefa, Meseret C. Egiguand AmehaKebede.2014.Chemical and thermal pretreatments
of cow dung and poultry litter enhance biogas production in batch fermentation.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. 3:165-167
11. Tollosa Duguma, Meseret C. Egigu and Manikandan M. 2015. The effects of gibberellic acid
on quality and shelf life of banana (Musasp.). International journal of current research and review. 6:68-74
12. Tollosa Duguma, Meseret C. Egigu and Manikandan M. The effects of salysilic acid on quality and shelf life of banana (Musasp.). 2015. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry
13. Sasikumar J. M., Ceolho P.R, and Meseret C. Egigu. 2015. In vitro analysis of antioxidant
capacity of Indian yellow raspberry (Rubus ellipticus Smith). International Food Research Journal. 22(4):1338-1346
14. Meseret C. Egigu, Mohamed A. Ibrahim, Silvia Ribeirode Souza, Johanna Riikonen, Minna
Kivimäenpää, Asha Yahya, ToiniHolopainen, Riitta Julkunen-Tiitto & Jarmo K. Holopainen.
Physiological, ultrastructural, antioxidant and secondary metabolite responses of the
evergreen desert shrub Cordeauxia edulis to elevated ozone concentrations. (Submitted)
15. Addisu Tegegn, Meseret C. Egigu and Bekele Hundie (2016). Efficacy of Pepper Tree (Schinus molle) Extracts to Suppress Growth of Botrytis fabae and Manage Chocolate Spot Severity on Faba
Bean (Vicia faba) at Sinana, Bale Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences.
16. Duguma Dibbisa, Meseret C. Egigu and Manikandan M. (2016). Delaying postharvest fruit
ripening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.) gibberellic acid. International Journal of
Current Research
17. Sasikumar JM., OlyadErba and Meseret C. Egigu (2020). In vitro antioxidant activity and
polyphenolic content of commonly used spices from Ethiopia. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05027. Elsevier.
18. Mulugeta Hailu, Meseret Chimdessa and Manikandan Muthswamy (2018). In Vitro
Propagation of Selected Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Varieties (C 86-165 and C 86-12)
Through Shoot Apical Meristem. International Journal of Horticulture & Agriculture. 3:1-7.
19. Genene G., Mekonin W., Meseret C. Egigu, Manikandan M. and Tigist M. (2018). Protocol
optimization for in vitro propagation of two Irish potato (Solanumtuberosum L.) varieties
through lateral bud culture. African Journal of Plant Sciences. 12:180-187.
20. Olyad Erba, Dereje Atomssa, Meseret C. Egigu and Teshome Gonfa (2020). Determination of
Flavonoid contents and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activities of the extract of selected
citrus fruit peel. International Journal of secondary Metabolite. 7:8-18.
21. Tigist Beyene and Meseret C. Egigu (2020). Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth has dual negative effect on its host Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology. 8:165-170.
22. Adissu Tegegne, Meseret C. Egigu and Bekele Hunde (2019). Evaluation of endod (Phytolacca dodecandra L.) extracts against Botrytis fabae, a causative agent of chocolate spot disease of Vicia faba. Cogent Food and Agriculture. 5:

23. Bulti Merga, Meseret C. Egigu and Mulatu Wakgari (2019). Reconsidering the economic and nutritional importance of faba bean in Ethiopian context. Cogent Food and Agriculture. 5:
24. Olyad Erba, Dereje Atomssa, Meseret C. Egigu and Teshome Gonfa (2019). Column
chromatographic fractionation and evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of flavonoid
enriched extracts of some selected citrus fruits peels. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development. 6:46-55.
25. Girma Woldemichael, Meseret C. Egigu and Anteneh Abebe (2018). Species diversity and use of homegardens in Misha Woreda, Hadiya Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and
Peoples Regional State, Ethiopia.International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture. 2:118-129.
26. Berihu Mengs, Meseret C. Egigu and Eyasu Abreha (2018). In vitro propagation of sweet
potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Through lateral bud culture. International Journal of
Innovative Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research.
27. Tegegne Bayih, Amanuel Tamiru and Meseret C. Egigu(2108). Bioeffecay of unitary and
binary botanical combinations against Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfsciatus (Coleoptera,
Chrysomelidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. 38:205-215.
28. Mulugeta Hailu Redae, Meseret C. Egigu, Teklit Gerbegiorgis Ambaye and Manikandan
Mutsuwamy (2018). In vitro propagation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L. Variety
C86-165 through apical meristem. Bicatal. Agric. Biotechnol. 14: 228-234.Elsevier
29. Sudi Dawud, Meseret C. Egigu and Sasikumar JM. (2018). Floristic composition, structural
analysis and regeneration status of woody species of Gemechis natural forest, west Hararge
zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences research. 8:11-23.
30. Misgana Lammi and Meseret C. Egigu (2017). Biogas production from co-digestion of poultry manure and orange peel through thermal pre-treatment. American Scientific Research Journal for
Engineering, Technology, and Sciences
31. Misgana Lami, Meseret C. Egigu and Kiya Mesfin (2018). Biogas Energy. LAP LAMBERT
Academic Publishing.Pp 88.
32. Dereje A. Oncho, Meseret C. Egigu, Olyad E. Urgessa (2021). Phytochemical constituent and
antimicrobial properties of guava extracts of east Hararghe of Oromia, Ethiopia. Clinical
Phytoscience. 7:37.
33. Meseret C. Egigu, Likyelesh Gebreyohannes, Manikandan M. and Sasikumar JM. (2022).
Effects of leaf extracts of Lantana camaraand soils invaded by it on Lepidium sativum growth
performance. International Journal of Botany Studies. 7:467-473.
34. Girmay Mekonen, Mesret C. Egigu and Manikandan M. 2021.In vitro Propagation of Banana
(Musa paradisiaca L.) Plant Using Shoot Tip Explant. Turkish Journal of Agriculture Food and
Technology. 9:12.2339-2346.2883
35. Sasikumar J.M., Meseret C. Egigu and Meskerem Bogale (2022). An ethnomedicobotanical study in Tulo Woreda, west Hararghe zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia (Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Under Review).
36. Mulatu Ketema, Meseret C. Egigu and JM Sasikumar (2022). Traditional Medicinal Plants
used by indigenous people of Dedder district, East Hararghe Zone of Oromia, Ethiopia. PLOS
ONE (Ethnobotany, Under review)
37. Kedir Adem Usman, Meseret C. Egigu and JM Sasikumar (2022). Ethnobotanical study on traditional
medicinal plants used by oromoethnic people of goro district, bale zone of oromia region, Ethiopia.
Ethnobotany Research and Applications (Submitted).
Department of Environmental Science, University of Eastern Finland
P.O.Box. 1627, Fi-70211 Kuopio Finland
Tel: +358-17163 191, +358 505233 593 (mobile), Fax: +358-17-163 230
Department of Environmental Science, University of Eastern Finland