1. MSc. in Agricultural Economics
Candidates who apply for master’s degree in Agricultural Economics must have bachelor degree from accredited higher learning institutions in or outside the country. Eligible candidates will be required to take and pass an entrance examination (written and/or oral) to be considered for admission. Candidates with backgrounds from Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and value chain management can join without any compensatory course. Candidates from economics and other economics-related backgrounds should take compensatory and other relevant courses that will be decided by SGC.
2. MSc. in Agribusiness and Value Chain Management
Candidates who apply for master’s degree in Agribusiness and Value Chain Management must have bachelor degree from accredited higher learning institutions in or outside the country. Eligible candidates will be required to take and pass an entrance examination (written and/or oral) to be considered for admission. Candidates with backgrounds from Agribusiness and value chain management can join without any compensatory course. Candidates from Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Marketing, Agribusiness Management, Agricultural/Natural Resource Economics and Management background should take the Value chain analysis and development as compensatory course. Candidates with background in Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Plant/Crop Science, Horticulture, and Animal Science should take the following compensatory courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Agricultural Marketing, Econometrics and Value chain analysis and development. Candidates with background in Economics, Accounting, Business Management and Cooperatives should take the following compensatory courses: Animal production, Plant production, and Value chain analysis and development. However, candidates with other related disciplines can join the program if they can finish compensatory courses that will be decided by the receiving department, within maximum of one year.
3. MSc. in Agriculture and Applied Economics
The admission of students to CMAAE programme is indicated in the curriculum and ready available for students at Haramaya University website (www.haramaya.edu.et). Applications are entertained from graduates in any field and professionals in mid-career, provided they satisfy prerequisites considered necessary to succeed in a rigorous Programme of study and research. Any missing prerequisites are expected to be acquired prior to entry through courses offered separately or jointly by the collaborating departments and other reputable institutions within and outside the region. During the admission process, priority is given to selecting competent candidates that can ensure achievement of the objective of the study program. There is some room of flexibility on admission requirements if justified.
4. MSc. in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development