

School of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Science is identified since 2008. Accordingly, the school has 2 under graduate (Natural Resource Management & Environmental Science) and 3 post graduate (M.Sc. & PhD in Soil Science, M.Sc. in Agrometeorology and Risk Management, M.Sc. in Environmental Science. Three batches in regular programs as well asthree batches from summer have been graduated with B.Sc. degree in Natural Resources Management since the program is launched.


 The mission of school of NRMES is to produce competent graduates in the fields of Natural Resource Management and Environmental Sciences through quality education; to undertake academically rigorous and socially meaningful cutting edge research, and to disseminate knowledge and technologies and provide community services.


 Understanding and comprehending problems   in natural resources management and environmental sciences and seeking solutions through basic, applied and adaptive research.

  • Design technologies for conservation and   wise   utilization of the biodiversity and biodynamic natural resources of the country
  • Build the teaching, research and extension capabilities in the current and developing areas in the field natural resources management and environmental sciences.
  • Provide technical advice, consultancy services and tailored short term training to the public, development agents working on natural resources and environmental problems and other stakeholders.