
Social Sciences emerged in Europe in the 19th century and gave birth to different disciplines embedded in specific socio-historical contexts. Sociology was supposed to deal with the transformations of modern Western societies, induced by social and intellectual forces though later it has become one of the sciences which have universal applications throughout the world.

For the last several decades, sociology has created experts on various social issues and produced pertinent theoretical perspectives as well as efficient methodological tools to offer a better understanding of contemporary social phenomena. Through empirical researches, and academic teaching, sociology treats various and complex social situations and potentially conflicting forms of sociability. Nowadays, sociology produces professional experts on various social issues like identity, urban/rural development, religion, health and medicine, crime, and education. By mobilizing specific theories and methods, sociology offers its own approaches as one field of social sciences.

For an integrated economic, social and political development of a nation, educated man power is a key in several ways. It goes without saying that it is one of the key factors for alleviating poverty, technological advancement, cultural progression and political competency of a nation. Thus,   it can be viewed as a key predicator for a secure and sustainable development. With this understanding, the Ministry of Education gave due attention to the education sector and has been implementing nationwide educational capacity building programs.

However, the national demand of enhancing quality education in higher learning institutions of Ethiopia pressed the need for revisiting the existing curriculum in order to shape it for the purpose of producing competent citizens. Among various efforts of the ministry of education (MoE), to provide quality education, modularization of curriculums in Ethiopian higher leaning institutions were the prime concerns. As a result, it was officially declared that all higher education institutions in Ethiopia were required to develop a competence based modular curriculum for all programs.

To this end, a thorough reference was made to existing curriculum and this nationally harmonized modular curriculum was devised by a team of sociology professionals drawn from the different Ethiopian universities in July 2013.


To make the department of Sociology one of the renowned departments at Haramaya University, so that students from all over the country would make the university their favourite and the department their first choice. The department aspires to be model for centre of excellence by producing highly qualified graduates and by conducting various researches to solve the economic, social, cultural and political problems of the societies.


  1. Graduating qualified socio-cultural expertise to be part in the struggle to get rid of poverty
  2. Producing industrious graduates who are creator of job opportunities instead of looking for employment from the government.
  3. Supplying the market with ethical, well-disciplined and morally shaped graduates
  4. Feeding different sector offices and NGOs with qualified personnel
  5. Producing highly qualified graduates who can undertake demand driven researches on various social dynamics, both at micro and macro levels.